The Shoulder SSS is an ēlizur developed product. This means we especially want to hear your feedback so we can continually improve the design. With both home and clinic models, the Shoulder SSS enables controlled closed-kinetic chain exercise that does not stress the repair. It allows for oscillatory passive range of motion, isometrics, active-assistive range of motion, active range of motion, and eventually resistive range of motion, in a safe and effective manner as directed by the physician’s protocol. Early movement of the post-operative shoulder reduces stiffness, pain, and pain medication, while improving sleep and restoring functional capacity. The home model also saves time, loss of work, and travel expenses by moving some early rehabilitation to the patient’s home. This shift saves often limited formal physical therapy visits for later in the patient’s recovery when hands-on, functional therapy is most beneficial. The clinic Shoulder SSS model allows patients to continue their recovery seamlessly from early movements in their home to more advanced motions under the supervision of their outpatient physical therapist.